Danielle grew up in a family of musicians and performers, and she looked up to her family, seeing them perform at church every Sunday. She felt inspired by what they did, and after begging her parents to learn, Danielle began her music education in the third grade. She began flute, voice and piano all at the same time, diving into each with equal passion. Her nanny was first chair flute in high school, and was determined to learn it as well. She played all three instruments through college and still tries to touch all three every day.
Danielle’s personal passion is musical theatre, as well as classical voice. She finds that the techniques for one compliment the other beautifully. She especially likes to teach musical theatre, classical voice, traditional flute, and classical piano. She continues to write music, and often plays through the Narada book of piano solos by David Lanz.
“My favorite part of teaching is the ‘ah-ha’ moments - when it all makes sense. Music gives you the ability to express yourself when it’s difficult to put feelings into words, and I love being able to share this skill with my students.”